


Students at Kedron State School are offered a variety of opportunities to be involved in a number of extra-curricular musical groups including choirs and ensembles led by the classroom music specialist, Michelle Lupton, the instrumental music teacher, Jaime Rolfe, and our strings specialist, Lisa Kirk.


Junior Choir

Junior Choir members are not auditioned. This choir is open to all students in Prep through to Year 2. Rehearsals are held in the Music Room each Monday at first break.  Students may be required to attend additional rehearsals in the lead-up to performances and concerts.  The Junior Choir performs at a number of events throughout the year, including Grandparents Day, Recital Evening, End of Year Concert, Christmas Carols Church Concert and the Nursing Home Christmas Concert. Students are required to purchase a display folder to store their music, and sign a consent and commitment form.  The current Choir Teacher is Ms Michelle Lupton.


Senior Choir

Senior Choir members are not auditioned. This choir is open to all students in Year 3 through to Year 6. Rehearsals are held in the Music Room each Tuesday at first break.  Students may be required to attend additional rehearsals in the lead-up to performances and concerts.  The Senior Choir performs at a number of events throughout the year, including ANZAC Day Commemorations, Grandparents Day, Recital Evening, End of Year Concert, Christmas Carols Church Concert and the Nursing Home Christmas Concert. Year 5 Choir members are invited to apply for Choral Honours Camp. All students are required to purchase a display folder to store their music, and sign a consent and commitment form.  The current Choir Teacher is Ms Michelle Lupton.


Music Captains and Leaders

Each year, two Music Captains and a number of Music Leaders are chosen from the senior grades to assist with a number of music activities and performances.  Students are selected based on their leadership skills, attendance at extracurricular music groups, and their commitment to various music programs.


Recorder Program

At Kedron State School, all students from Year 3 to Year 6 play recorder as part of their weekly music lessons using the IJam Recorder Blackbelt Series textbooks.  Students are encouraged to sit exams for a range of coloured belts including white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, brown and black. Each Monday at second break, students can be tested for the "belts" and additional recorder tutoring is held by our talented Music Leaders.


Kedron Idol

Kedron Idol is an annual talent quest, with entries open to all students from Prep to Year 6 who would like to share a particular talent, including singing, dancing, instrumental, comedy, cheerleading, mime and gymnastics. The Grand Final includes a number of "celebrity" guest judges, including "Jon BonFOGI", "FOGIrotti", "Puff FOGAdiddy". The P & C Association are strong supporters of Kedron Idol and provide generous prizes for the Top Ten performers.


Busking Days

Busking Days are held throughout the year. Students who would like to share their "talent" set up a "busking station" on the quadrangle to perform for all students at lunchtimes. Students vote for their favourite acts.  The Top Ten performers are chosen by the highest number of votes and perform at a Grand Final where the top three performers receive a prize.


Instrumental Music Program

The Kedron State School Instrumental Music Program is a dynamic and exciting addition to the study of music at our school. We take great pride in our program that caters for brass, woodwind and percussion instruments for selected students from Year 4 to Year 6. Specialised testing for admission to this program occurs for Year 3 students in music lessons during Term 3. Students who are fortunate enough to be selected for this program attend weekly half-hour lessons. Lessons are taught during class time with a rotating timetable. Our Junior and Senior Concert Bands each Thursday morning at 7:45 am, and our ensembles perform regularly throughout the year at school and community functions, festivals and competitions.  Additionally, students benefit from attending Camps including the Northside Cluster Beginner Camp and Honours Camp. The current IMP Teacher is Mrs Jaime Rolfe.


Strings Program

The Kedron State School P & C Association operates a strings program for students each Tuesday.  This is a user-pays system. Instruments are available for loan in the first year of learning. Ensembles begin in the student's second year of learning at 7:45 am each Tuesday. Students who attend private lessons for violin, viola, cello or bass are also welcome to join this ensemble. Students perform at a number of events throughout the year, including evening recitals and Grandparents Day. The current Strings Teacher is Mrs Lisa Kirk.

Last reviewed 11 August 2020
Last updated 11 August 2020