
Student services and support programs


Learning support 

The Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy (STLaN) works collaboratively with teachers, teacher aides and the leadership team in the whole school approach to student achievement. Through analysis of data, curriculum support and work in classes, the STLaN is able to support teachers to make the appropriate adjustments for students to ensure continuous improvement in their learning. The STLaN chairs the Student Wellbeing Enrichment and Learning (SWEL) Committee to co-ordinate the student identification referral process and ensure appropriate support, assessment, intervention and communication between all stakeholders.

The STLaN works closely with visiting specialists (Guidance Officer, Speech Language Pathologist, EALD Teacher) to identify learning needs and to design appropriate programs to support and scaffold students' learning.

Chaplaincy program

Chaplain: Leanne Fryer

Office hours: 8.15 am to 3.15 pm Tuesday and Wednesdays

A school chaplain is a safe person for young people to connect with at school, providing a listening ear, caring presence, and a message of hope. They care for students who may be struggling with relationships, peer pressure, self–esteem issues, family breakdown, depression, bullying, and emotional concerns. Chaplains also celebrate and champion the successes and achievements of students, families and staff.

Chaplains run positive, fun activities for young people both in and out of school, and foster a supportive, caring school community. This includes support for at –risk students, support for staff and families from the wider school community, and spiritual support and direction for the school community.

The partnership between the school and the chaplain, supported by local churches, business and community organisations, provides a network of local support and assistance. These positive relationships help young people to face issues, and provide hope, connection, meaning and purpose.

I look forward to working closely with the community to bring about positive outcomes for the families at Kedron State School.

Last reviewed 12 November 2019
Last updated 12 November 2019